It’s here! The schedule for Barricades 2024! We have our schedule for Barricades 2024! Questions or comments about the schedule? Let us know!
Friday July 12
Track 1:
- Welcome Session
- The Cats of Les Miserables- Melannen
- GOH Christina Soontornvat
- The Yellow Passport-David Montgomery
- Early Transformative Works- Psalm
- Brick Readers Meetup
- “Atonement”: A Theatrical Piece for 1 actor, based on Segments from Hugo’s Les Miserables.” – Alexiel de Ravenswood
Track 2
- Fan Creators Meetup
- Black and Pink National
- Beat by Beat: A Les Mis 2012 Deconstruction-Eli
- History Researchers Meetup
Saturday July 13
Track 1
- GOH Jean Baptiste Hugo
- Reflecting on Directing Les Mis-Cait
- What Horizon: Tragedies, Time Loops, and the Hopefulness of Les Amis – Percy
- Cosette: A Novel — The (Fanmade) Sequel to Les Misérables-Imiserabili
- Barricades as a Tactic: How Do They Work?- Lem
- Why is there a Roller Coaster in Les Mis?-Mellow
- Obscure(-ish) Les Mis Adaptations To Watch-Pure Anon
- Recovery: A Fanfic Live Read-Eli, Barri
- Preliminary Gaieties-Rare, Percy,Barri
Track 2
- The Fallibility of History in Les Misérables: A Look at Hugo’s Narrative Style-Syrup
- 1848 in Chile-Duncan Riley
- Musical Fans Meetup
- Fanfic Round Robin
- Compared to Some People Grantaire is Doing Just Fine (No, Really)-Ellen Fremedon, Pilfering Apples
SUNDAY July 14
Track 1
- Publishing, Podcasting & Promotion-David Mongomery, Alexiel de Ravenswood, Nemo Martin
- GOH Luciano Muriel
- The Unknown Light Examined-Madeleine
- Revolutionary Rants: “Les Misérables” Onstage from an International Perspective-Tessa, Anne, Kaja, Marie, Apollon
- Les Mis Letters: Building a Book Club-Mellow,Rachel
- Closing Session & Dead Dog
Track 2
- Femme/Butch: Dynamics of Gender and Attraction in Les Mis-Eléna
- Lee’s Misérables: Jean Valjean, Confederate Hero-Sarah C. Maza
- Musical Eponine and Grantaire in Song and Lyric Edits: Personal Research on Their Development- Ruth Kenyon
- Paint & Sip-Psalm and Potato
- Les Mis Singalong-Megan
Schedule for Barricades 2024